Beyond Mars

The Leviathan Machine of Mercury 

Mercury has no native life that we know of, but thanks to human ignorance and machine intelligence it is now certainly far from dead.

First Contact on Vulkanus

The secret planet of our inner solar system has eluded detection until recently. Pitch black and made of carbon, this strange world has no equal among its neighbours.


Meanwhile on Venus...

Earth's sister has strayed far from its former prehistoric glory. Gone are the lush rainforests, only boiling seas, volcanoes and reefs floating in the air remain.


Europa rejects contact - Attempt no landing! 

Beneath the ice of Jupiter's most famous moon, life is thriving, but in a way nobody would have expected. 

The Living Crystals of Titan 

Gloomy and unimaginably cold, Saturn's largest moon still manages to be an unlikely abode of life. But it is life so strange that it stretches the definition of the term and questions what life even needs to exist.

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